Testosterone Enanthate
has both strong androgenic and anabolic effects. That’s why it’s quite easy notonly to increase muscle bulk and strength with the help of it, but also to have many
side effects. Intensive muscle growth is much connected with water retention in
muscles (testosterone stimulates water reabsorption by kidneys). So if the trainings
are not violent enough muscular system will look unnaturally edematous and
swollen. Moreover testosterone enanthate easily turns into female estrogens. The
result is lipopexia and development of large mammary glands in males.
-is a combination of four types of testosterone with synergistic effect. Incomparison with other testosterone drugs it has some advantages. For instance, it
doesn’t provoke water retention in muscles and aromatization (i.e. transformation
into female hormones) so much.
In addition to the above it is toxic for liver. Though this drug’s producers insistthat cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder) and pain in the right upper
quadrant disappear after you stop taking it, they recommend to take some
medicines for liver simultaneously (such hepatoprotectors as Carsil and Heptral)
and cholagogues.
has a strong anabolic effect. But, unfortunately, owing to this side effects don’tdisappear
Prohormones and others
-is a material from which organism synthesizes hormones. Additives containingthem stimulate production of extra quantity of hormones. Nowadays at food
additive market you can find hundreds of different prohormones’ titles.
The most popular are:
Androstenedione and Androstenediol- are immediate predecessors of testosterone.
Norandrostenedione and Norandrostenediol stimulate production of another male sex hormone-nandrolone.
The results of scientific researches say that recommended doses of 100-300 mg
either don’t affect testosterone level at all or increase it a little for a short time.
Therefore muscle bulk doesn’t grow much. Different prohormones transform
into male hormones to a little extent- from 6% to 16%. Specialists insist that
bodybuilders are so delighted with these drugs’ effect because they take much
bigger doses of them than are given to volunteers during scientific experiments.
Side effects are the same as by taking anabolic steroids but not so strongly
pronounced– hypertonia, high blood cholesterol, problems with liver.
Somatropin (Growth Hormone)
This hormone is produced by human’s hypophysis and is responsible for bodygrowth, activating anabolic processes it increases intensity of carbohydrate,
mineral and lipid metabolism. That’s why synthetic somatropin is usually taken
by those who are not of sturdy build and tall from birth. In contrast to steroids
somatropin provokes not only muscle hypertrophy (the increase of muscle cell
size), but also hyperplasia (the extension of number of cells).
Among guaranteed side effects of somatropin are blood sugar level decrease,
thyroid gland function disorders, that’s why it is contra-indicated for people with
thyroid gland diseases and diabetes. It is a well-known fact that somatropin excess
in organism leads to teenagers’ giantism and adults’ pathologic increase of hands,
feet, face bones and internal organs, skin thickening. Producers and consumers
think that these fears are overestimated grossly. Who is right isn’t known yet. But
it is evident that taking somatropin one has to take a great amount of other drugs,
still including anabolic steroids.
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