Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Injections of sustanon

I want to tell you, how being on the third course of the University of Texas I seriously decided to keep my body fit. Of course, trainings in the gym were successful, but muscles grew to a certain size and stopped expanding. It didn’t matter, what steps I was taking, how attentive I was towards my diet, my muscle bulk didn’t increase.
Then I seriously decided to solve this problem, namely I went to the trainer and inquired how to start steroid injections sensibly. After the conversation I understood that the most appropriate variant for me are the injections of sustanon. With the help of it muscle bulk and strength grow by leaps and bounds. My trainer explained that after this injections muscle strength in basic exercises literally increases from 20 to 50 kilos. Sustanon itself is an anabolic, which consists of four testosterones which are absorbed into the blood and taken out of the organism during different periods of time. Among the advantages of this drug is that it is oil-based and is injected intramuscularly. It starts to effect sportsman’s organism the very next day after the beginning of the course and continues to be active during a month. Another advantage is that it doesn’t ruin a liver.
Right from the start of my career in sport I read the book “Dope-forbidden drugs in sport” written by Dirk Klasing, in which it was scientifically described and proved that rat’s liver which has just about two grams in weight can split about 100 grams of testosterone. That’s why I didn’t worry about my liver at all. And one more positive feature of sustanon is that it doesn’t keep water in the organism and remains effective during the fifth and tenth courses of treatment. So, in such a way with the help of sustanon I became an athlete, though there were other antibiotics then, but to be honest, I should say, it was pleasant for me, that muscles became more attractive together with growing of muscle bulk. It increased only 16 kilos but I suppose, that it is quite enough for my height and weight.
So, if you decided to take steroids, you shouldn’t be afraid, the only thing is that you should be serious in this question and it is obligatory to consult specialists.

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