Monday, July 23, 2012

Ramirez, a Hollywood actor, California

I would like to tell you a story of how I conquered Hollywood. For the first time
I got to the shooting area at a very young age when my friends and I were asked
to be a part of a crowd scene. Back then young directors were using European
techniques of non-budget film and introduced themes and stylistics into the
shooting process contradicting the Hollywood traditions. We all literally got
there from the street. Before my first filming experience I secretly dreamed about
becoming an actor. Well, I think deep inside everyone dreams about it but not
everyone can become a professional actor even though we all have our own roles
in life.

After my first five-second role I realized that I was made to be an actor so I
started trying to change myself and my body in order to become better. I went to
the gym and swam a lot but one can’t change the nature and I still looked like a
skinny teenager. My role model among the Hollywood actors was Bill Murray-
a comedian loved by everyone, who changed thousands of jobs until he became
an actor; his “Groundhog Day” is everyone’s favorite and his role in “Lost in
Translation” got him a Golden Globe and an Oscar nomination.

I set up a goal a started taking part in all small and big screen tests. I remember
how a friend of mine fell for a guy from “Twilight” because of his amazing abs
he would show off all the time. Earlier I was thinking of becoming a musician
but my love for the adventure of the cinema won so I decided to change my life

I had no more time or energy to pump my body in vain so I decided to start taking
anabolics as well and I got a recommendation to start with methandienone. It’s
an anabolic steroid with a pronounced anabolic and androgenic effect. Its big
advantage is that it gives your body a fast increase in weight and strength. Thanks
to this steroid I got the mass very fast and besides methandienone helps increase
the appetite which is very good when growing the muscle bulk. I was taking it
for six weeks and at the same time would get the relief of my body time in the
gym. After I got thirty pounds I was invited to participate in the crowd scene. The
shooting took part near the ocean and according to the script I had to help the main
character get out of the water and just smile back at her after she thanked me but
the directors liked so much my smile and my tanned body that they gave me my
first short dialogue.

It was just a few phrases but they changed completely my life, made me confident
and became the beginning of my hopefully big career.

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